Although less common, its optional color monitor was something to be talked about. it ran BASIC programming language, and was architecturally very simple and open. A game could essentially take over the entire machine. The Apple II had no hardware, so programmers had to invent their own ways of getting graphics on the screen. it allow programmers to express their creativity with a very open canvas. And boy did they, the system had a shocking 50,000 games made for it. it had the fastest and most reliable floppy disk drive of early computers. Much to the chagrin of Apple, the system just refused to die. it chugged on for over a decade, before it was finally put down by Apple to stop perceived competition with its own Macintosh. The platform was practically responsible for founding home computer gaming in the USA.
Below is the videogame library for browsing at random.
'Donkey Kong'
'Silent Service'
Ultima: 4 - Quest of the Avatar
'Family Feud'
'Computer Baseball'
'Space Ark'
Ultima: 5 - Warriors of Destiny
'Card Sharks'
'Pharaoh's Revenge'
'Ultima: Trilogy' (1, 2, and 3)
'Castle Wolfenstein'
'Star Fleet 1 - The War Begins'
'impossible Mission'
'Wheel of Fortune'
'Cavern Creatures'
'Round About'
'Championship Baseball'
'Rendezvous with Rama'
'Montezuma's Revenge'
Track and Field
'(Earl Weaver) Baseball'
'The Dark Heart of Uukrul'
'One on One'
'Lords of Conquest'
Our Apple 2 collection is 5% complete.