This was the first time console gaming as we know it today entered the home. Previous videogaming was limited to arcades located in gaming halls or often Pong reproductions. Hitting the market before the Atari 2600 was helpful for sales. Not only was it an inferior product, but even worse, it lacked third-party game support. Multiple games were packed on each swappable cartridge. The innovation and inventiveness of this console, was to inspire future generations of consoles. It legacy lived on for decades beyond its own lifespan.
Below is the videogame library for browsing at random.
'Tic-Tac-Toe; Shooting Gallery Doodle; Quadra Doodle :Videocart 1'
'Space War :Videocart 5'
'Maze :Videocart 10'
'Sonar Search :Videocart 14'
'Kickball :Videocart 20'
'Desert Fox; Shooting Gallery :Videocart 20'
'Math Quiz 1 :Videocart 6'
'Backgammon; Acey-Deucey :Videocart 11'
'Memory Match :Videocart 15'
'Bowling :Videocart 21'
'Blackjack :Videocart 3'
'Magic Numbers :Videocart 8'
'Baseball :Videocart 12'
'Dodge It :Videocart 16'
'Galactic Space Wars :Videocart 23'
'Spitfire :Videocart 23'
'Drag Strip :Videocart 9'
'Robot War; Torpedo Alley :Videocart 13'
'Pinball Challenge :Videocart 17'
'Chess' :Videocart 50
Our Fairchild Channel F collection is 65% complete.