Arriving with grey-monochrome graphics that looked blocky. Yet crucially, it also looked nothing like the computers of its time. The original model did more to influence future computing, then the product itself. The original designer despised the use of a mouse, the inclusion of a mouse was the insistence of Steve Jobs. The original vision was to use a joystick as a secondary-input device. The compromise was a one-button mouse, a move that certainly handicapped its future as a gaming console. The Apple Macintosh mainstreamed the "Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pointer" concept. A concept Microsoft would later run with on Windows, starting lines of Apple competitors. Previously the home computer was strictly used from a keyboard-only. Even the original iBM home computer did not have a mouse.
Below is the videogame library for browsing at random.
'Battleship' / 'Risk'
Diablo 2
'Portal 2'
'Bejeweled 3' / 'Zuma's Revenge'
'Lost Planet: Extreme Condition'
'Quake 4'
'World of WarCraft'
'Curse: The Lord of Destruction'
StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void - expansion pack
Our Apple Mac collection is 5% complete.