The Eye of Judgement
'UFC: Undisputed - 2009'
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
WWE: 2013
'Tomb Raider'
'(Tom Clancy's) Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighter 2'
Tiger Woods PGA Tour - 2009
'Viking: Battle for Asgard'
'Warriors: Legends of Troy'
'(The) Tomb Raider - trilogy'
Yakuza: 3
'(Tom Clancy's) Splinter Cell: Double Agent'
'Assassin's Creed - ezio trilogy'
'Splinter Cell - trilogy'
Persona 4: Arena
National Basketball Association: 2009
Persona 4: Arena
'Mortal Kombat - komplete edition'
'Game of Thrones - a telltale games series'
'Attack of the Titans: Wings of Freedom'
'White Knight Chronicles'
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle
Our Sony PlayStation 3 collection is 65% complete.