Sony Playstation 5
Optical Triple-layer Ultra-HD Blu-Ray disc capacity is 66 GB; Dual-layer Blu-Ray disc capacity is 66 GB; Online game download optional; Most games are around 40 GB, but can go as high as 140 GB; Games require additional free space on console to install and play
Microsoft Xbox Series X
Optical Triple-layer Ultra-HD Blu-Ray disc capacity is 66 GB; Dual-layer Blu-Ray disc capacity is 66 GB; Online game download optional; Most games are around 40 GB, but can go as high as 140 GB; Games require additional free space on console to install and play
Nintendo Switch
Game cartridge capacity was 16 GB at launch time; later cartridges went as high as 64 GB
Microsoft Xbox One
Optical Blu-Ray disc capacity is 50 GB; Online game download optional; Most games are around 50 GB; Some games went as high as 200 GB; Games require additional free space on console to install and play
Sony PlayStation 4
Optical Blu-Ray disc capacity is 50 GB; Online game download optional; Most games are around 40 GB
Nintendo Wii U
Optical Blu-Ray single-layer disc capacity is 25 GB
Sony PlayStation Vita
All games are downloadable only; Average game size is 2-4 GB
Nintendo 3DS
Game paks capacity ranges from 8 GB to 32 GB
Nintendo Wii
Optical DVD discs could be found in single-layer DVD at 4.7 GB, or double-layer DVD at 8.5 GB
Sony PlayStation 3
Optical Blu-Ray disc capacity is 50 GB; Online game download optional; Most games are around 40 GB
Microsoft Xbox 360
Optical DL-DVD discs were standard double-layer DVD at 8.5 GB; early discs were limited to 6.8 GB
Sony PlayStation Portable
Permanently-encased optical mini-disc similar at 900 MB single-layer and 1.8 GB dual-later, the discs are called a Universal Media Disc (UMD)
Nintendo DS
Game Cards has a capacity ranging from 64 MB to 4 GB, and lacked the transfer rates of cartridges
Microsoft Xbox
Optical DVD discs were standard single-layer DVD at 4.7 GB
Nintendo GameCube
MiniDVD optical DVD’s were single-layer DVD at 1.4 GB
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Game paks capacity ranges from 4 MB to 32 MB, Rarely they go as high as 64 MB
Sony PlayStation 2
Optical DVD discs could be found in single-layer DVD at 4.7 GB, or double-layer DVD at 8.5 GB
Sega Dreamcast
GD-ROM optical discs had a capacity of 1 GB
SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
Game paks capacity was 4 MB
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Game paks capacity was 8 MB
Nintendo 64
Game paks capacity was 64 MB
Nintendo Virtual Boy
Game Pak variant capacity was 128 MB
Sony PlayStation
CD optical disc capacity was 700 MB, up from 650 MB
Sega Saturn
CD optical disc capacity was 680 MB
Atari Jaguar
Cartridge capacity was 4 MB
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Game paks capacity was 32 Mb, although games of up to 48 Mb do exist; Game sizes range from 2 Mb to 48 Mb
Sega Game Gear
Cartridge capacity was 1 MB; Games we’re either 1 MB or 256 KB
SNK Neo Geo
Original cartridge capacity went from 330 megabits to 716 megabits; The maximum um game size of 716 megs is equivalent to 89.5 MB
Nintendo Game Boy
Cartridge capacity ranged from 256 KB to 8 MB; Games were in any of these sizes: 256 KB, 512 KB, 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB
Sega Genesis
Cartridge capacity was 40 Mb (aka 40 megs), however without bank switching the limit was 32 megs
NEC TurboGrafx-16
Card capacity on the HuCard was 20 Mb (aka 20 megs)
Nintendo Entertainment System
Cartridge capacity was 1 MB; Games ranged in size from 8 KB to 1 MB
Atari 5200
Cartridge capacity was 32 KB
Coleco ColecoVision
Cartridge capacity was 32 KB
Atari 2600
Cartridge capacity was 4 KB; Games came on either 2 KB or 4 KB cartridges
Magnavox Odyssey 2
Cartridge capacity was 8 Kb; Games came on 2 Kb, 4 Kb, and 8 Kb cartridges
Fairchild Channel F
Cartridge capacity was 8 Kb; Most games came in 2 Kb size, with the upper range being 6 Kb
This was a list of game-media capacity during each consoles lifetime.